Can Chiropractic Care Help with Vertigo?

Chiropractic Care for Headaches

If you’ve ever experienced symptoms of vertigo, you know how frustrating they can be. Feelings of dizziness and like everything is spinning around you, trouble keeping your balance, intense ringing in your ears, and uncontrollable swaying are all common vertigo symptoms. Some people also experience temporary hearing loss, sweating, and nausea. While some people are able to combat the symptoms by lying down in a dark room, that doesn’t always resolve the issue causing the symptoms. At Waypoint Chiropractic, we aim to get to the root cause of vertigo problems by looking to the spine.

Causes of Vertigo

Vertigo has many causes, and unfortunately, it’s not always easy or possible to pinpoint a specific cause. When no known cause exists, it’s called idiopathic vertigo, and it is far more common than we would like. If you know the triggers of your vertigo, you can do your best to avoid them, hopefully leading to fewer issues with vertigo symptoms. The most common known causes include migraines, inner ear infections, inflammation of the vestibular nerve, certain head movements, certain medications, stroke, diabetes, head injury, low blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, and more.

Types of Vertigo

A few different types of vertigo exist, and all of them are directly connected to the inner ear. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) occurs when calcium particles formed in the inner ear shift, often due to moving your head into a particular position. Vestibular neuritis is characterized by inflammation in the inner ear that leads to vertigo. This is usually caused by recurring ear infections. Meniere’s disease is a type of vertigo linked to fluid buildup in the inner ear that brings about uncomfortable ear pressure and vertigo symptoms. Regardless of the type of vertigo you’re experiencing, Dr. Cary Gentry at Waypoint Chiropractic can help.

How Does Chiropractic Help?

You may not think that your ears and spine are connected enough for chiropractic to help with vertigo. However, several case studies have found a great deal of success in chiropractors improving vertigo symptoms. Misalignments in the neck are called cervical subluxations, and they can cause fluid buildup in the ears, among other problems. This buildup is often directly connected to vertigo symptoms, but a chiropractic adjustment can relieve the pressure on the nerves that lead to the ears, allowing the fluid to drain properly and reducing vertigo.

One particular study saw eight people with BPPV under chiropractic care for three months. All eight individuals experienced a decrease in vertigo symptoms! Another study looked at twenty people who were under care for eight weeks, and they all reported a decrease in dizziness, an improvement in balance, and less neck pain!

If you or someone you love has vertigo symptoms, don’t wait any longer. Contact the team at Waypoint Chiropractic in Leland and schedule a consultation with Dr. Cary Gentry. You will love the gentle healthcare approach, as well as the many benefits of safe, natural, and effective chiropractic care.


Sajko, S.S., Stuber, K., Welsh, T.N. “Chiropractic Management of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Using the Epley Maneuver: A Case Series.” Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 2013 Feb; 36(2): 119-126.

Strunk, R.G., Hawk, C. “Effects of Chiropractic Care on Dizziness, Neck Pain, and Balance: A Single-Group, Preexperimental, Feasibility Study.” Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 2009 Dec; 8(4): 156-164.

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