The Mental Health Benefits of Chiropractic

Chiropractic Care for Headaches

You may be surprised to hear that chiropractic can provide mental health benefits. But it’s true! Several studies over decades of research have found that chiropractic care offers significant advantages to those struggling with a variety of mental health challenges. In fact, chiropractic care has been benefitting those with mental illness since the age of DD Palmer himself, and here at Waypoint Chiropractic, we would like to share a few of these significant mental health benefits with you.

Pain Management

There is a known and major correlation between chronic pain and poor mental health. Many of the most common conditions that chiropractors treat, such as headaches and herniated discs, can cause severe and chronic pain that can be intense enough to put a practice member on disability if not given proper treatment. This constant pain combined with the stigma of a disabling physical ailment can damage the mental health of even the strongest people.

Nervous System Correction

Though the biological causes of mental illness are poorly understood due to psychology being a budding science, one thing is for certain: it has a lot to do with the nervous system. The brain itself is a part of the central nervous system, and miscommunications caused by wayward nerves can cause the brain to release the wrong chemicals at the wrong times. This can play a part in mental illness, as these miscommunications can add up over time. Fortunately, chiropractic is largely focused on the spine, through which the central nervous system transmits all its messages. This means that all good chiropractors, Dr. Cary Gentry included, are well-versed in correcting subluxations that may trap nerves and cause them to send improper signals.


A good chiropractic adjustment is comparable to a good massage when it comes to relaxation qualities. The release of tension within the back, as well as the calm, personal environment, all lend a hand in making a good adjustment into a highly relaxing experience. While one day of rest and one adjustment won’t cure mental illness, it can provide a much-needed break in what can seem like an endless onslaught, which can, in turn, allow room for introspection and self-healing that otherwise may have seemed unattainable. It can also provide regulation to your central nervous system, allowing your brain to process things more effectively and your body to function more optimally.

If you think you may have a mental illness or are struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that around one in six Americans will suffer from a mental illness at some point in their lives. To put that into perspective, that’s around 55,420,330 people, which is 465 times the population of Gallatin County! No matter the perceived severity of your case or whether you’ve been formally diagnosed, contact Waypoint Chiropractic. We’ll make sure you never have to suffer alone.



Goesling, Jenna, Lewei A. Lin, and Daniel J. Clauw. “Psychiatry and Pain Management: at the Intersection of Chronic Pain and Mental Health.” Current Psychiatry Reports 20.2 (2018): 1-8. 

Kent, C. “Chiropractic and Mental Health: History and Review of Putative Neurobiological Mechanisms.” Jou Neuro Psy An Brain Res: JNPB-103 (2018). 

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